.  .  with Price Demand's cascading buying prices!
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Farmer Markets

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All trading has its origins in Farmer Markets

Throughout history the local Farmer Markets allowed produce to be exchanged at an agreed value using the local cash currency..

From the Farmer and Grower to the Trader or directly to Customers at the local markets, the interactions have not changed much.

The introduction of the mobile phone changes that with the Growers and Farmers being able to get better prices and more predictable sales, even before they leave for the local markets.

Farmers can use Outsourced Selling to tell the Traders before they come to negotiate deals, or let Buyers who come to the markets know what is available and at what price it is.

Unlike the traditional way of the Seller having products and is confronted with a market demand that dictates the Selling Price, the Farmer now has control over their Selling Price ( within Global Price Index ) that the market trades to  -  the change is with the local Buyers who compete when the deals are released with Price Demand.

Product deals can be in quantities set by the Seller or able to be set by the Buyer that can fit with local Buyers just wanting quantities for their next meals.

There are many ways Price Demand provides the real market demand, it can be when Traders see the products and commit to a Buying Price as the Selling Price cascades down, still not knowing if another Trader is going to Buy before them.

Even at the local markets the Buyers could even Activate the Buy before they arrive, because they may have dealt with the Seller before, or they could Activate the deal when they are face to face with the Seller and can see the quality of the product, again still not knowing if another Buyer at the market takes the deal before them.

In the typical trading style the Seller has the full Selling Price already set, either in his or her head, or displayed for Buyers to see  -  what Price Demand does is it allows the Buyer to choose the Buying Price they want to pay using their mobile phone, but their preferred price can be beaten by another Buyer who is present at the negotiation or even somewhere else  -  the Seller just leaves it to the Buyers to compete between themselves to create a real time demand.

From the Seller's position the produce is able to get its full Selling Prices regardless of the Buyer's strategies.

All payments are in real time using QwickPay Global Payment System  -  where local cash is digitized to ensure safe and secure payments between Buyers and Sellers using their mobiles.

It's now just 2-Step Commerce

Sellers have 2 Steps to Selling, one is listing inventory for Outsourced Selling, the other is releasing deals to the local markets.

For Buyers the 2 Steps are, setting a bidding strategy to try and win product deals early, the other is Activating the Price Demand.

Cloudfunding repackages all the Commerce functions to sell products or services, all the way from producing and stocking inventory through to the payments made by Buyers when they activate the Price Demand to release the full Selling Price payment to Sellers.

Instead of using the traditional Commerce dynamics that just discounts Seller profits to influence Buyers  -  Cloudfunding reinvents the way discounting operates by disrupting the financial industry's control in Commerce with Free Economic Value - FEV - globally free working capital

-  this is Digital Era's answer to the financial constraints of modern Commerce, solved with the global scale distribution of free working capital.

-  distribution of Free Economic Value flows on as the new frontier in expanding free capital globally as Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital - DFDC.

This phenomena of distributing free capital to the global citizens is only now possible in the digital world  -  traditional Finance and Commerce are being disrupted and reinvented with the democratic consensus of the Global Crowd to drive trade value freely and seamlessly across global borders using economies of scale like never before into SMEs and Buyers with Localization.

Using discounting in the hope of generating buyer demand is a vastly over-hyped misconception in market forces, it only reduces the full flow of economic value between Supply and Demand throughout the local economy  -  but by using this traditional supply discounting dynamic in Commerce to create demand, and combining that with the traditional function of Marketing and reengineering it into a new asset value, a new frontier has been opened up  -  ComTechX technology now solves those old world economic constraints with modern Open Market economics.

Outsourced Selling and Price Demand change Commerce by redefining the dynamics and open it up to unlimited markets, from local farmer markets through to commodity markets where real-time demand gains the full economic value.

AS - Automated Selling bypasses traditional Advertising

Advertising has become a regular part of both in Online and Offline Commerce but it's become grossly overdone to the point of annoyance, and vastly ineffective for the cost and time involved in finding potential Buyers  -  and paying for potential isn't the same as getting predictable sales.

Cloudfunding bypasses all that and moves directly to delivering predictable sales, all for free  -  with no costs to Buyers or Sellers.

Cloudfunding uses the Advertising dynamics in Commerce and transforms it into a valuable and free financial asset for everyone to use.

The cost in Advertising is reverse-engineered into an asset value and used in the Outsourced Selling process in interconnecting ways,

-  it begins with the distribution of the Selling Price value of products and services  -  the full Selling Price value is shared with the Global Crowd to form the foundation for the Free Economic Value  -  FEV  -  Cloudfunds, which's used for bidding and buying.

QwickBids is where both Open Market Makers - OMM ( Global Crowd ) and local Buyers use FEV - Cloudfunds as free working capital in their bidding strategies  -  a unique validation process collects and escrows the full Selling Price value without hindering the bidders.

-  when a local Buyer wins, Deals are collected from the Seller and payment is released  -  when OMMs win the product or services comes onto the Open Market in QwickBuys where the Price Demand finds local Buyers with Cascading Buying Prices, at prices they want to pay.

Having a product or service fully paid for prior to it being released on the Open Market to local Buyers, heralds in a new dimension in global Commerce  -  bypassing the traditional marketing and selling costs now gives Sellers a new high growth level to operate on.

Sellers are at the front line in giving and gaining trust with their Customers by being at the transition point of liquidating digital cash to and from local cash with Paying It Forward in their normal daily trading that integrates the Offline with the Online, in real time.

Cloudfunding changes the flow of the Sales Person who now has the important role in Customer Service pf making sure the product or service deals are exchanged satisfactorily, or they operate in the business's Digital Sales Division where selling takes on a whole new meaning.

One day turn around 'from getting stock to selling' is here

Instead of having a flat and unpredictable experience where Sellers list products or services and discounts to entice Buyers  -  QwickPic gives all Sellers a level playing field where they're guaranteed to get the full Selling Prices while giving the Buyers the excitement of falling prices.

There's no need for Sellers to gear up for a day of massive discounting to draw in customers, now Sellers can offer a new experience for Buyers with massive discounting everyday without losing any profit from discounting, fees and charges or advertising.

The day is now here where Sellers list their inventory one day and over-nite the Outsourced Selling process is completed, and by the next morning the inventory of products or services is ready for the Seller to release to the local Buyers  -  the Price Demand find the true demand online with the local Buyers, only needing the Customer Service staff to look after the deliveries and pickups.

To have stock sitting on shelves or in warehouses for weeks and months changes with Outsourced Selling and Price Demand.

Sales staff are not lost to automation but move to a more progressive area in the business in the Digital Sales Division - DSD

    Digital Sales Division    
Algorithms will now shape our buying habits

Cloudfunding gives Buyers a new frontier in how they purchase their daily essentials and their mid and long term goals by offering Buyers the tools that automatically set algorithms to set bid strategies for products and services or to buy products and services at set prices.

While Buyers are asleep algorithms are set to collect FEV from global Sellers and use those funds to participate in Deals to win products and services before they're released on the local Open Market.

The algorithms will alert and update the Buyer in the morning if the products or services Deals were won and if not the next step automatically comes into play when the products and services are released on the Open Market using the Price Demand with Cascading Buying Prices.

A Buyers full shopping can be processed this way in coordination with Sellers wanting to sell, even if it's a shopping list of products that aren't known at the time, the value of a shopping cart can be bid for or purchased with Price Demand and paid for when the Buyer goes shopping.

It's not just the essential purchases that can be set to automatically buy but other products and services like fuel, energy, insurances, health care, all the costs that are monthly and annually needing to be paid  -  the demand set by Buyers influences what Sellers list to sell.

Payments are made simple and free by digitizing global currencies and using a neutral global digital cash that's always compared with each local currency, without fees or charges  -  this simply means local cash is used to buy internationally without conversion ( spread ) costs.

AS - Automated Selling eliminates the unpredictability in Commerce

The days of unpredictability in selling products and services will fade away with Automated Selling.

The cost of the unaccountable marketing function in Commerce has always had a lack of transparency in its true effect in markets, with no guarantee of sales  -  now all that's bypassed in Offline and Online Commerce with Cloudfunding, by never needing to pay to find Buyers.

The Third Pinnacle of the Digital Era in the Digital Economy now joins the two other Pinnacles  -  Social and Data.

The 20th Century was focused on the Globalization of Commerce and Trade based on outsourcing Manufacturing offshore  -  ComTechX integrates Technology with Commerce to directly focus on solving the economic disparities that've been carried forward into the Digital Era  -  forming the Global Chamber of Economies.

ComTechX solves the global economic growth dilemma of having almost no growth and growing disparity  -  ComTechX removes the sticking points where Supply meets Demand by separating the Buy from the Sell, so that these two separate forces ( markets ) gain from their own strengths ( price levels ) and have true effect on the real economies.

Supply is encouraged by full sales profits to ensure continued production  -  Demand supports that productivity by having an Open Market with Price Demand, which in turn solves any lack of wage growth by having greater buying power  -  this provides one of the key pivotal points of the New Economy where the price of Supply doesn't need to be matched to the price of Demand to have equilibrium  -  the aggregated price of demand provides the true ratio that selling prices are able to increase by ( GPI - Global Price Index ), without distorting economic growth.

ComTechX eliminates any need for the inflation of product and service prices to artificially create the illusion of growth  -  instead algorithms guide growth by the forces of demand down to the cities and regions of countries, allowing growth to be distributed uniquely on a global scale through the Global Universally Distributed Incomes, which are linked to the international flows of assets and liabilities that are tracked and balanced automatically  -  algorithms adjust to any lack of activity in real time instead of using outdated ( feudal ) monetary policies that have windows of elasticity from 3 to 6 months, before having any degree of effect, if any  -  these old world economic policies are now beginning to loop back around and starting eat their own tails, causing stagnant growth.

Countries and individuals respond by interacting to true flows of productivity in Supply and Demand, without the incumbents controlling growth with money supply and interest rates from the Old Economy policies  -  the New Economy is structured differently, where people control the economic growth by holding the democratic balance of power between Supply and Demand, regardless of how many robots there are.

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